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More Ways to Go Abroad

Work, Intern, and Volunteer Abroad

If you are interested in gaining international experience, there are many options available to you beyond studying abroad.  

How to Find a Work, Intern, or Volunteer Abroad Experience

Use the categories and links below to help you start your search. Keep in mind that while this is a collection of great resources, it is by no means an exhaustive list. You can schedule an appointment with a Study Abroad Advisor if you have questions about work, intern, or volunteer opportunities in a specific country.

Information Sessions

If you are interested in working, interning or volunteering abroad, please check the Study Abroad, UC San Diego Google Calendar for upcoming events.  Currently, we hold several information sessions throughout the academic year:  JET Information Session (Fall Quarter), International Internships  (Fall & Winter quarters) and Teach and Work Abroad (Spring Quarter).

The Going Global After Graduation (Spring 2021) information session included an overview of multiple WIVA options. The recording available at

UCSD Resources for Work, Intern, and Volunteer Abroad

Working & Teaching Abroad

You can teach English or get other paid jobs while abroad. In order to be eligible for paid work in a country where you are not a legal citizen, you will need special permission from that country’s government in the form of a work permit or a visa. For more information on obtaining work permits/visas, contact the country’s embassy at their location in the United States.  

Work permit programs provide an opportunity for you to obtain a work visa in another country. These are also called working holiday visas. You will be required to find your own employment and most find work in the service industry.

Work placement programs place you in a job, usually procure work permits and sometimes assist with housing. Placement programs typically charge a fee for their services.



  • Teach Abroad Government Sponsored Programs: View a printable handout (PDF) of foreign government sponsored programs such as JET (Japan) and Fulbright.
  • Teach Abroad Programs & Private Opportunities:  View a printable handout(PDF) of teach abroad programs and private opportunities. 


Volunteering Abroad

Volunteering abroad is one of the best ways to get international experience. It is flexible and can last anywhere from one or two weeks to several years. You can volunteer abroad during summer, winter or spring breaks, for a quarter, year or even anytime after you graduate. 


OAP Internships for Credit

NOTE: At this time, only the internships listed below can receive academic credit.

Arcadia6 Weeks / 4.5-9 UC Units / 144 Internship Hours / 5+1 assignments / Cost: $1950-$2450 / Syllabus: Arcadia Syllabus 

FIE: 6 Weeks / 4.5 UC Units / 160 Internship Hours / 5 assignments / Cost: $745-$1045 / Syllabus: FIE Syllabus 

IFSA-Butler: 8 Weeks / 4.5 UC Units / 120 Internship Hours / 5 Assignments / Cost: $1125-$4500 / Syllabus: Syllabus

SIT: 5 Weeks / 7.5 UC Units / 1 month, full time = 170 hours / Presentation + weekly progress reports / Cost: $1000-$2000 / Syllabi: SIT Syllabus 1 SIT Syllabus 2

USAC: Varies / 4.5 UC Units / 120+ Internship Hours / Group Presentation, Business Model, Business Plan, Presentation / Cost: $1390 / Syllabus: USAC Syllabus Sample