Pre-Departure Resources
What do you have to do before you leave? Learn more about what you need to do before you depart on your study abroad experience.
Pre-Departure by Program
Pre-Departure Requirements Info
UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP)
- Going on a UCEAP Program? Get the Nitty Gritty, Nuts and Bolts, and Important Bureaucratic Information on our special UCSD UCEAP Notes Document!
- UCEAP Pre-Departure Requirements page.
UC San Diego Global Seminars
- The Global Seminars pre-departure checklist is included in your online application in TritonsAbroad.
UC San Diego Global Exchange
- Visit the Global Exchange program page for information, resources and links to learn more about your desired destination.
- Global Exchange PreDeparture Requirements page.
Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP)
- Specific program pre-departure checklists can be found on your provider's website and in TritonsAbroad.
- OAP Pre-Departure Requirements Page
General Online Pre-Departure Orientation
As a requirement of participation in study abroad at UC San Diego students must first complete the Study Abroad UC San Diego General Pre-Departure Orientation prior to departure. The orientation should take about an hour to complete, and participation will be recorded and is a requirement of study abroad.
How to Access Study Abroad's Pre-Departure Orientation:
- Go to the course:
- Log in with your UC San Diego Active Directory account.
- Click “Enroll in Course”
Deadline to Complete the Pre-Departure Orientation:
Summer/Fall/Year Departures: JUNE 15
Winter/Spring Departures: DECEMBER 15
Administrative Fee
What is this fee?
The Study Abroad Administrative Fee is a $100 charge paid by students to access services for and resources about the UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP), Global Exchange, and the Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP).
This fee is charged only once in your UC San Diego career, although you may use our services many times and in different academic years.
The fee helps support advising and assistance with the following services:
- Group and individual advising appointments about the full range of study abroad options, including UCEAP and OAP and Global Exchange
- UCEAP/OAP/Global Exchange program applications and processing. This includes completion of an academic planning form for study abroad, which is required for students who will use financial aid while abroad
- Coordination with UCSD's Financial Aid Office to ensure that aid is processed appropriately for your program abroad
- Advising about study abroad scholarships and grants
- Assistance with UC system and nationally competitive study abroad scholarship and grant application processes
- General pre-departure and country-specific orientations
- Referral to UC Traveler Insurance coverage
- Verification of participation in an academic UCEAP, Global Exchange, or OAP program
- For OAP students, access to Handshake student job postings from abroad
- UC credit posting and UCEAP notation on transcript (UCEAP)
- Global Exchange and OAP paperwork to facilitate the transfer of academic credit for programs abroad and transcript notation
- Re-entry programming and processes
- For Global Exchange and OAP students on programs longer than one quarter, waiver of the UCSD readmission fee upon return to campus
- Maintenance of UCEAP, Global Exchange, and OAP infrastructure and processes across campus that enable UCSD students to participate in these programs
- Vetting OAP affiliation agreements that provide greater program options for students as well as additional scholarship funds
Why must I pay this fee?
In response to the serious state and UC budget situation, the fee was implemented in Fall 2009 to help us keep up with student demand for education abroad opportunities.
To provide quality service and support to the increasing number of UCSD students wanting to go abroad, and to those students returned from abroad, additional professional and student staff were required. Income from the fee allows us to provide more individual attention to students, to process program paperwork, as well as to reach more students through better use of technology, i.e. web-based application tutorials, online pre-departure orientation, etc.
Note for financial aid recipients:
The amount of the administrative fee will be added to your UCEAP, Global Exchange, or OAP program budget, and may be covered by your financial aid for your time abroad depending on your individual aid eligibility. Paying for the fee, however, and recouping the $100 from financial aid may occur in separate academic terms or years, depending on when you are actually going abroad.
Is the fee refundable?
The Study Abroad administrative fee is not refundable. By the time you submit your UCEAP, Global Exchange, or OAP forms and are billed for the fee, you will have used many of our services described above.
Please understand that if you choose to withdraw from your program abroad after you have submitted your UCEAP, Global Exchange, or OAP forms, you will still be billed for the fee and will be responsible for paying it. If you withdraw from your program abroad at any time, either after you have been billed or after you have paid the fee, you will not get a refund.
In rare instances when a study abroad program is canceled by the OAP provider or by UCEAP, and you are not able to find another appropriate program in which to participate, the fee may be refunded. Please discuss this situation with your Study Abroad advisor.
Health Insurance Guidelines
Program-sponsored insurance
Many study overseas programs, particularly those administered by U.S. institutions, require that you buy special health insurance developed for students participating on their programs. Those of you enrolling directly at foreign institutions, however, may not be provided with such an opportunity. Check to see if your local carrier will cover you while abroad.
University of California Traveler Insurance
Students who have completed the OAP paperwork are eligible to sign up for University of California Traveler Insurance. This is a comprehensive policy, and it is free! Even if your program already provides insurance, it is a good idea to apply for the UC insurance as well.
Other insurance companies
If you are traveling independently and have not completed the OAP paperwork, there are several policies developed for U.S. students who will be spending time studying, working or traveling abroad. Speak with Study Abroad UC san Diego staff for other insurance options.
Make certain that you have health insurance, including a US funded policy that provides for the following:
- Copy of policy in English
- Policy must be valid during the entire school year or term of study
- Medical benefits of at least $100,000
- Co-payments not to exceed 25%
- Repatriation benefit of $7,500 minimum
- Medical evacuation benefit of $10,000 minimum
- Deductible no more that $100 per injury or illness
- Policy funded in the United States
- Pregnancy covered the same as any other condition
- Be aware of the benefit period, to cover travel or other activities before or after your international program.
- Verify whether the policy will cover you in the US as well as overseas in case you come home for a visit.
- Check the insurance company rating, such as A.M. Best or Standard and Poor rating.
- Find out if it is a reimbursement policy. This means that you are expected to pay for medical services at the time you receive them, and you will be reimbursed for those expenses at a later date, sometimes as many as several months later.
- Be sure to read about the exclusions!! Many insurance policies exclude sports related injuries and other common types of illness/injury.
Pre-Departure Workshops & Travel Resources
How-To Series:
- How-To Book a Flight (pdf) (Video)
- How-To Handle Money Abroad (pdf) (Video)
- How-To Take Better Travel Photos
- Travel Resources Handout and Packing List

UC San Diego Passport Office
Tritons! Need to get (or renew) your passport? The UC San Diego Passport Office is available to help you - now in two convenient locations right on campus!