- (858) 534-1123
9500 Gilman Dr
La Jolla , California 92093
Global Educator
Hey, I’m Shreya and I’m a fourth year from sixth college. At UCSD I study cognitive science (specializing in design and interaction) for my major and ICAM (music) & speculative design for my minors. Essentially, I like learning about how perception and interaction can shape experiences, especially through different forms of media. Aside from the nerdy stuff I enjoy visiting cafés, going on hikes, listening to music, cooking, and (of course) traveling!
The summer after my freshman year, I studied abroad in none other Paris through the Jazz in Paris Global Seminar. Because of my experiences with high school jazz band and learning French, this program was perfect for me. I used to be the kid who’d get sad when school got out for the summer so it was incredible getting to continue to be a student but also do so abroad and with cool people. Some of my favorite experiences involved going out with people in the program and visiting jazz clubs, revisiting the same fast food spots (O’Tacos has my heart), and staying up way past my normal bedtime because the sun sets so much later in Paris! One of the key moments I often think back to was a time that I went with a small group to a public art studio inside of a museum and just played around with the tools they had for experiencing art. It not only exposed me to the sheer amount of talents that so many of my peers have, but also showed me that I had so much room to learn and grow.
Studying abroad is full of both personal challenges and incredible experience and I could not recommend it more. Honestly who knows I might just go again :D