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Fulbright at UC San Diego
Apply to a Fulbright! UC San Diego is proud to produce and host Fulbright students and scholars, and has been recognized by the U.S. Department of State as a Top Producing Institution of Fulbright Scholars. At UC San Diego, it is a core mission to build upon our legacy of generating and attracting Fulbrighters.

UC San Diego Passport Office
Tritons! Need to get (or renew) your passport? The UC San Diego Passport Office is available to help you - now in two convenient locations right on campus!

Request a Speaker
Invite Study Abroad to be a part of your next event or class! Whether it is presenting an overview of Study Abroad (First Steps) or tabling at your orientation or fair, Study Abroad looks forward to working with your students!
Commitment to Inclusion and Anti-Discrimination
Kumeyaay Land Acknowledgement
"The UC San Diego community holds great respect for the land and the original people of the area where our campus is located. The university is built on the un-ceded territory of the Kumeyaay Nation. Today, the Kumeyaay people continue to maintain their political sovereignty and cultural traditions as vital members of the San Diego community. We acknowledge their tremendous contributions to our region and thank them for their stewardship."
Study Abroad UC San Diego encourages students to recognize un-ceded territories within and around their travel destinations, and consider how the world has been impacted over time by global migration and colonialism. For more information on un-ceded territories, visit this interactive map: